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I’ve been everywhere, man. I’ve been everywhere, man.

Crossed the desert’s bare, man.

I’ve breathed the mountain air, man.

Of travel I’ve a-had my share, man.

I’ve been everywhere.

— Johnny Cash —

Elephant Island

We set out for Elephant Island today. The island was the desolate refuge of the British explorer Ernest Shackleton and his crew in 1916 following the loss of their ship Endurance in the pack ice of the Weddell Sea. It sits before you with haunting beauty. A lone sentinel guarding a polar black sea. The waves are rougher today as we approach in our Zodiak. It is snowing and you can feel the wet cold to your bones. Shackleton landed here in lifeboats. With no natural shelter, he realized they could not survive for long. With a small crew of his men, he took one of the lifeboats with canvas sails and set out for South Georgia where there were whaling camps. He reached South George in 16 days, returning 4 1/2 months later on a tug to rescue the rest of his crew. His determination and sheer will to see their safe return, was remarkable.

Part of the gear that we wore was provided by Shackleton, London. An exceptional outdoor outfitter named after its namesake. They have also recreated the sweater Shakleton wore. I have to say, it did abate the cold.

Kelly Nowels